SMU News

[April 12th, 2016] The Guatemala Ambassador to Korea Visits Korea Saemaul Undong Center
2016-04-14 09:40:50


Gustavo Adolfo L?pez Calder?n, the Guatemala Ambassador to Korea and his fellow worker visited Korea Saemaul Undong Center on April 12th



It is arranged to share current Saemaul Training program and different opinions since Guatemalan government shows high interest in Saemaul Undong.



The ambassador said, “Guatemalan government has a keen interest in Saemaul Undong. I hope that Korea Saemaul Undong Center will provide an opportunity for public officials in Guatemala to participate in Saemaul Training.



“Saemaul Undong which is not merely ODA focuses on drawing voluntary participation by reforming villager’s consciousness. I will examine Saemaul program to add Guatemalan personnel in GSLF(Global Saemaul Leadership Forum) which will be held on October or Saemaul Training for Central and South America which will be held on November this year” SO, Jin Kwang, the president of Korea Saemaul Undong Center, responded.