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Korea Saemaul Undong Center held an opening ceremony of Saemaul Undong training for sixteen village leaders and two government officials from Lao PDR on March 6. This course, which is for the SMU Model villagers, was designed to develop their practical skills to implement SMU projects and motivate them to have self-reliance based on Saemaul Undong spirit.       
The training will be organized by different kinds of programs for participants : lectures, group discussions, leadership training programs, Korean culture experience programs, field trips, etc. from March 6-15.  
President Chung, Sung Heon of Korea Saemaul Undong Center (KSC) said All of you can make your village and country a better place by utilizing abundant resources in Lao PDR. He also added that KSC invited you to help you for your own dream and hope. Korea had an experience to overcome difficulties in the past. We would like to share this experience with you.