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From April 19-28, 2018, Korea Saemaul Undong Center (KSC) conducted the Saemaul Undong training for Uganda at the Korea Saemaul Undong Academy. Two government officials and twenty two village leaders from 6 SMU model villages : Bbanda, Mawanga, Buwala, Nabbale, Kyabombo, and Ndiraweeru participated in the program, whose main goals were to strengthen practical skill and ability for their project implementation and motivat...e them to develop self-reliance.
The course involved several lectures, including The Mission & Roles of Leaders of Saemaul Undong, Success Stories of Leaders of Saemaul Undong, Health & Sanitation of Villagers, A way of Income Generation of Farmers, and Global Saemaul Undong & Saemaul Undong Global League, as well as general meetings and guidance sessions.
In addition to lectures, the following were organized for the trainees : group discussions, presentations, cooperation game, Korean culture experience programs, field trips, etc.