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Eighteen Papua New Guineans and two Zimbabweans attended an opening ceremony of the Saemaul Undong training for Papua New Guinea and Zimbabwe on May 8 at Saemaul Undong Academy.
Participants will learn roles of Saemaul leaders to implement SMU project and strengthen practical ability for the project based on basing understaing of Saemaul Undong in Korea. Also, they will look for ways to improve a quality of their life by sharing experience of village development during the training.  
President Chung, Sung Heon of Korea Saemaul Undong Center, in his welcoming remarks, said “I sincerely hope all of you realize that only you can solve your own problems and we can get syngergy effect when we cooperate with each other.”  “Saemaul Undong in Korea has to be applied to current status of each country. I believe you will make a great world where human and nature can harmoniously coexist in the future,” he added.
The curriculum involves such as lectures, field trips, Korean cutural experiences, Saemaul mesuem tour, and small-group discussions.