Photo Gallery

[Mar 11-26, 2015] To field education and contract MOU in Uganda
2015-04-29 15:49:22

 Presenting their village action plan (Ndirabweru village)



 Check preparation of projects (Ndirabweru village)



 Educating about Saemaul Undong (Bbanda village)



 Q&A session about a part of education (Mawanda village)



 Presenting their village action plan (Nabbaale village)



 Educating concept of Saemaul Undong (Kyabbombo)



 Group photo after Saemaul Education (Buwala village)



 Hair salon in Katereke



 Explain Uganda Saemaul Undong to Minister who is incharge of Government Administration and Home Affairs in Korea(Kitemu&Katereke villages)



▲ Singed MOU with local authorities in Mityana district